We went on an adventure to the "Loveland" castle...it was built by one man for almost his entire life by hand..carrying one rock at a time from the river nearby. It was quite interesting...going in the dungeon, the masters bedroom, and dining room...going up dark, steep, curvy stone stairs. My girls were a little "weary" climbing up the stairs. Okay..I wouldn't go down in the dungeon b/c the ceiling was so low and dark down there...Nana was the brave one!I enjoyed the amazing garden that was surrounding the castle. The flowers were beautiful and crawling up and down every stone wall and monument. Just wonderful!My son enjoyed all the knights and the shiny swords. It truly had that medieval "castle" feel.
After, we were done with our adventure... the winds from "Ike" started....it was crazy! The wind was so powerful....the entire southwest of Ohio has no power, phone service or gas. I wish I would of had my camera near me in the car...we saw portable potties flying down the highway!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Love the country fair pic in your previous post with all the pumpkins/gourds etc... That is really cool.
Wow! That castle is so neat! What a interesting story behind it! Sounds like the hurricane has caused all sorts of havoc where you live. My family and friends in Arkansas have had downed trees and no power for quite a few days. It's been a mess!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I LOVE that castle. Where in the world is it? And also, the song you have playing is mine and my hubby's song. LOVE IT!!! It made me smile to hear it today.
Oh I wish I would have been able to go to the Country Living Fair!!! We were planning on going but weren't able to make it. Maybe next year. Your pictures are great!
I've heard about this castle. It looks like fun. Something I know my boys would enjoy:)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Love the country fair pic in your previous post with all the pumpkins/gourds etc... That is really cool.
That castle looks beautiful!
What an amazing legacy of hard work and dedication! Those are hard lessons to learn!
I'm glad you were safe and not hit by those flying porta potties!!! That must have been a sight to see!
Wow...fascinating story! And very inspiring. Thanks for sharing!
WOW! thats neat. I have some friends in Ohio without power too. When Isabelle cam a few years ago, I lost power for 11 days! It was awful...
Thanks for stopping by my blog! The castle is GORGEOUS and I am glad that you are safe. Ike has been pretty scary!
Hi! I saw you over at Buzzings of a Queen Bee's blog and loved the name of your blog. It is soooo cute. And, love the song too.
Where was that castle? I love how he took a lifetime to build it. Sounds very interesting.
Glad I stopped by. Looking forward to reading more posts.
How fun! My son would've loved that knight in shining armor!
Wow! That castle is so neat! What a interesting story behind it! Sounds like the hurricane has caused all sorts of havoc where you live. My family and friends in Arkansas have had downed trees and no power for quite a few days. It's been a mess!
What a cool place! I'll be the tour is worth the stair climbing! I heard Ohio got hit with some serious winds. Hope everyone is okay!
What a lovely castle...your pictures were fantastic!
I wouldn't have visited the dungeon either....I fear small and cramped places!!!
My kids would have LOVED the castle :)
Who am I kidding? Hubby and I would have too LOL
This sounds so fun! I would have loved to go to something like this. Wish I could have gone! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I LOVE that castle. Where in the world is it? And also, the song you have playing is mine and my hubby's song. LOVE IT!!! It made me smile to hear it today.
Great Blog...I love the castle!
Oh I wish I would have been able to go to the Country Living Fair!!! We were planning on going but weren't able to make it. Maybe next year. Your pictures are great!
I've heard about this castle. It looks like fun. Something I know my boys would enjoy:)
Wow! What a great field trip! I've never heard of that castle and it's less than 2 hours from me! We'll have to check it out!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your redhead! :)
Your castle adventure looks like fun! I'm sorry you've been hit by Ike, too, hopefully things are getting better now.
The castle looks so fun! I can't believe we have never gone.... great idea for a weekend though.
Good to hear you stayed safe from the Ohio Hurricane! :)
That is one amazing castle! Can you imagine building that the way he did! The pictures you took of it are beautiful! :)
I am so glad that you were safe through the storm that started! What havoc this storm has caused!
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