Well, there is silver lining in most trials in life, our roof has a lot of repair needed from the wind storm last week. So since this man will be at our house fixing our roof, he is putting a new screen door on. I now have to decide what kind...Here is a picture of my front door and I will be getting a screen door that is black.
What design do you like?
Victorian # 1

Cottage #2(this is my favorite...I wonder if Fido comes with it??!!)

Modern #3

UpDate : Thank you to Sandy at reluctantentertainer! I won her giveaway! Thank you very much! You made my Monday!

Hi Sandy,
I love victorian...but I guess it will depend on what goes with the rest of your home.
Your fall wreath looks great!
I am with you.....I like bumber 2 and it seems to go with the look of your home...or at least what I have seen of it!!
Let us know what you pick!!
Happy Monday!
I like number two...love the wreath, too.
I don't know.. so hard to choose!!
But probably # 3 would be my most favorite for your beautiful green door.
Hey girl, you are my winner! Can you email me right away w/your mailing address?
I think I'd go with #2 since you have such a lovely door, and it seems like it wouldn't detract from it. I love your wreath!
I think I would go with the second one but they are all great.
Congrats on your wins!
I think #2 door!
oooh, I definitely vote for #2!! Classic cottage:) I hope you post a picture with your final choice:) Thanks for visiting today and I hope to see you again soon:)
I like #2 and #3. Can't wait to see what you pick. . .
Hi, I also love #2! Cottage is my favorite. I love your background!! Thanks for stopping by.
I am with you Sandy...I like door #2 (I feel like I am on the Price is Right). I love that your door is black too...so pretty!!
Congrats on winning! As for the door~ I like the ones that aren't as fussy so you can really look out and enjoy the outdoors when you have your main door open in the fall and springtime...Happy Monday~ Les
Hey there - first, congrats on the giveaway, lucky girl! I'm with you - love the cottage door. That is definitely my fave...
By the way...love visiting your blog - adding you to my blog roll!
Have a great Monday!
Oh, I love screen doors. My pick would be 3. I like the simplicity. I can't wait to see what you pick! It will look great!
Hi! I'd choose either #2 or #3. Something clean-lined and simple, since your main door has an arched window...don't want competing styles! I have a black door too, & I love it!
I like cottage and modern though the modern you posted has a little country flair to it. I love the wreath on your door.
Happy first day of fall,
I am not doing well with choices today. How's that with honesty. Anything you decide will be lovely (how's that for flattery.:) hee hee
Hey! Congrats on your wins! I REALLY want a screen door and all of your choices are great but my fav are #2 & #3.
Happy choosing!
Oh, I LOVE number 2! I am, also, in love with your WREATH!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...
- Lauren
I vote cottage. And so sorry to hear about the damage done. : (
Hi Sandy, Thanks for stopping by my way and commenting!
Congrats! on your gift -looks like some tasty warm treats for fall in there. I like door #2, but I think 2 or 3 would work with your front door. -Jess
Oooo I like #2 and #3 ... both are beautiful! I hate making decisions like that. :) The wreath is gorgeous.
Congrats on your win!!
Oh Yes! I vote for the cottage one too!
I'd pick #3 but that's my style. Your wreath is just gorgeous on your black door. :-)
I love the modern! Your front door is GORGEOUS. And seeing the fall wreath made me so happy!
I love number 2 the best :)
I've been to Dresden a couple of times when I went to the Longaberger Bee. It is a neat place to visit. Also dangerous because you can spend too much money!
I vote for door number 2. Love your wreath! Cute Cute.
Definitely #2 but I always am so partial to cottage. Very cute wreath!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Where do you live? I see you went to the Country Living thing in Columbus. I wanted to go so bad but I didn't get to it. We live in Columbus. Your blog is great, your creative and have great tips. Keep in touch!
Hey! I am answering your q's: My hubby and I are the only ones with a cottage-my sister and her hubby almost bought next door, but had TWINS instead. (I will blog about them soon!) So now everyone piles in at our place. It is a tight spot now with all the kids, but we can sleep 12 uncomfortably. (Yes-UNCOMFORTABLY!) My kids and I stay all summer with hubby there Thurs-Mon. We should by stock in Ben Franklins-all our money goes there! I have resisted the hermit crab thing, but it is up for discussion every week-with the bonus whinning...
Thanks for visiting-
Oh, pick the cottage one definitely! It would look best with your house. The victorian one is beautiful, but you would probably need a home that had victorian accents to make it look right.
Can't wait to see it on your home.
I think the cottage one is the cutest! Pretty wreath, too. :)
I would go with Door #2. Goodness, I sound almost like someone on that old gameshow, Let's Make a Deal. Ha!
Looks like you won some great stuff!! Way to go!
#2! Love it!
Thanks for stopping by!
I love the cottage version. Reminds me of my grandma's house when I was little.
I LOVE your spray painted pumpkins! I think I like the modern door best. Although, the cottage one is adorable too. Hmmmmmmmm. Have a blessed day!
New here. You visited my site. Thank you for the lovely comments;)
I love your site and am adding it to my blog roll;)
I like the cottage door!
I'm loving the cottage door!
Love, love, LOVE the cottage one!!
I love yours the best!!
Congrats on winning the giveaway - I'm a little green with envy, I confess! :)
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