Our pool is finally ready....we had some issues with the pool company but NOW it's clean and ready to go! My kids have been DYING to jump in AND today they can. It's a HUGE thing around here to see who is the FIRST person to get in the water. Sometimes we pull names or we line them all up and count "1...2....3...jump"...THEN they spend the next hour going back and forth with whose "toes" touched the water first...
But, this afternoon....everyone is in school. I have been planting flowers around the pool....carrying umbrellas and chairs and SOME {just a bit} of the pool toys....I am hot! So I sat down and dipped my toes into the water....I guess this year~ I am the first one in the pool...shhhhh!
Beautiful and I so wish I was swimming in it now!
Here's my new blog address:
Hey kids, your mom cheated :)
That is such a fun tradition. Jump in.....Splash it....
How fun - your pool looks so inviting!
Sandy Toes, looks like she has some wet toes :^]
Whoops didn't realize I had signed in as my hubby. See previous comment.
Computer crashed last week...agrhhh!
Oh my goodness, that is one beautiful pool. I sure could have used a dip today. : )
Have fun in your pool!
That sounds so nice!!
Calgon...take me away! What I'd give to have a pool like yours in my backyard! Of course, I'd probably never get anything done! ENJOY!
What a positively dreamy place you have! It won't be warm enough to swim outside for another month around here...sigh
Ahhh, that pool looks so refreshing. Y'all are going to have so much fun this summer!
The men in red on my blog are the Gitmo prisoners(terrorists or suspected terrorists) and some may be released on American soil. Right now the government is thinking of placing them in the Northern Virginja area. If they are released, then there is a proposal to put them on Welfare so that we can rehabilitate them. You know, change them from their evil ways. Uh huh.
It looks so refreshing! Congrats on the official Pool Opening Day!
This is hilarious because last night at dinner an arguement erupted over this very issue {who was jumping in first}!!! however, our pool is still under construction so can we invited ourselves over to jump in with you... I'll bring you a Grande latte!!!!
your secret's safe with me!!!
Looks very inviting! I love the addition of the flowers.
We would love to have an inground pool, right now the above ground suites us...But one day we will have the whole shabang! *smiles*
Looks so inviting! We're supposed to go up to 20 deg Cel here today; so although my toes won't be near the water, they will be exposed to the wonderful sunshine.
Yay -- sometimes the Mom should get to go first! That pool is lovely - have fun!
Your secret is safe with me. It looks so beautiful and relaxing!
So cute...I hope they enjoy the tradition once again!!!
Your pool is GORGEOUS!!! We won't tell the kids you were the first...shhhhh
I wish it was warm enough where I live to swim. We are ready!! It won't quit raining long enough to let the sun come out and warm the pool!!
Yea!! Your children are going to be THRILLED when they find out they can hop in to the pool! Love that you took a little dip for yourself! :o) Your pool is gorgeous. I really like your flowers too! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
oh - to be so lucky!
Oh my gosh, that looks wonderful! Your flowers look so pretty and I don't blame your kids for wanting to be the first in the pool. I won't tell your secret!
looks like fun, your kids will be so happy when they get home today!
Looks so pretty....and refreshing!! I wish I lived in the neighborhood:)
Enjoy your afternoon poolside!!
I would have dove in!
I'm not sure where you live...I'm in TX, and the water is still too cold for me! LOL Hubs usually gets in a month before I do. We've spent the last week cleaning our pool out getting it ready. Can't wait for the water to warm up!
I will be right over....rofl. Actually it is cold here and I think it will either snow or rain. Enjoy! Cherry
Cheater Cheater!!! Oh that water looks soooo good!!!!
Love, Kristy
Good for you. The pool looks wonderful and inviting. Love your diving board. We have a diving rock. It doesn't have much spring though. :)
Well Joy wrote what I was thinking!! haha
That is soooooo awesome! It is so beautiful, too-I love the "pool is open" sign-so cute!
I SO wish I was there-
haha!~ your pool is so pretty! and after all of that hard work, you deserved that little dip :) hope you & your kiddos have a ball!
Looks REFRESHING!!! Enjoy your pool! I so wished I had one about now.
Not me! Hubs and the boys have already been in ours ... Looking forward to you being my guest tomorrow!
So nice; water looks wonderful.
Ahhh, heaven!!
I can't wait for summer!
What an awesome BIG pool!
Congrats on being the "first toes of the season!" That water and your flowers look so nice!
Looks amazing!!
You lucky ducky! Your pool is gorgeous. How inviting and wonderful for the summer!
It looks great!! Have fun:-)
Oh how wonderful! A pool. Enjoy it!
oh! you're cute. This is an adorable post! Kelly
Your pool looks AWESOME! I'll be over with sunblock, swimsuit and my Martha Stewart mag! Oh and I'll bring my own towel so you don't have extra laundry!
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