Do you just ever have a moment or a day? Okay..it's been a week that you just feel sorry for yourself...things are just not going right! Then someone gently reminds you that you have so much to be thankful...oh, yeah I guess I do but life sometimes makes that all fuzzy!
This time last year, my son had an accident in line skating..3 breaks and 2 line fractures. I remember that night going downtown to Children's. I really didn't know how bad it was..till the nurse came in the ER room. Told me they Faxed all the x-rays to the director of surgery and orthopedic at his home. He was getting dressed and coming NOW...my son was having emergency surgery at the break of light.
Most of the doctors told us his arm would never be the same....sports may be not be in his future. We could not even imagine it......my son would sleep with his soccer ball and basketballs if he could!!
I remember that morning with my husband walking into the surgery floor. It was like a "set" of Gray's Anatomy. All the interns and doctors were around these big white boards...hustling and much discussion. We were put in this holding room. I was shoulder to shoulder with another mom whose little daughter was having "brain" surgery. OH my heart went out to her...I just wanted to hug her!!!
The two surgeons and another doctor gathered around my son and told us their plan. The doctor again told us.."We will do our best but they did not know the outcome." My husband looked at the doctors and asked if they would pray with us because we knew someone who could heal our son and use the talents of these doctors for good. There we held hands with three doctors and a nurse and prayed.
It has been a long year...but my son is doing great. He is back on the soccer field...he is playing golf...he is diving off the diving board...he is ready to play basketball soon! At our May appointment, my son met with the partner of the surgeon. The doctor was amazed how well he has healing...he said he couldn't believe how well one of the breaks had healed. We are not amazed...the Lord answered our prayers and healed him.
My son did do a lot of strength and muscle exercises . This little guy has been convicting to me...he has handled this situation like a champ...he never complained once with the cast, slings and just everything. He just did it! Also, in his child-like faith he granted forgiveness to some..he could of had a lot of "hate" or "malice" to all involved but he dealt with it...maybe even better than his parents!
This Thursday...I have a lot to be thankful for!
Beautifully stated! And YES, I have definitely had a few of those moments and days when I have felt sorry for myself. I loved this! What an awesome God we serve, huh? I'm so glad to hear that your little man is back to normal for the most part with his sports!! Praise the Lord!
I think we all have those "sorry for ourself" days but the important thing is to realize how much we have to be thankful for. Earlier this year we had to rush my son to the hospital for anaphylactic shock and it was the scariest night of my life! It makes you realize how fragile and precious life is!
This choked me up. I am thinking what a champ for sure. I bet you are extremely grateful.
I have felt those days too where I feel sorry for myself. WE all have them. But God is so very good.
Oh this is a wonderful post! Kids teach us so much about having child-like faith. Your son is amazing and a walking testimony to the Lord's healing! My daughter is, too...I'm forever thankful every single day for the major miracles she's received ... long story, but I wasn't supposed to be able to have kids and then she was 9 weeks early...lots of health issues and spent 7 weeks in the NICU.
Fabulous post! Thank you for sharing!
Okay - your post brought tears to my eyes! I am so glad that your little boy is doing so well. Children are so amazing and have such a forgiving spirit. You do know that the way he handled his injury and his forgiving spirit is a reflection of you and your husband. Good Job Mom and Dad. And Thank God.
I'm so glad your son is doing well and glad you are in good spirits!!!
I know how you felt. My son had bacterial meningitis when he was a baby and thankfully has no ill-effects from it. He died, then was brought back to life thanks to quick-thinking doctors who worked many long hours, was on life support and after several weeks, he was released from the hospital. He is now 22 years old and his health is pretty good.
I also wanted to let you know you have been BOO-ed! Not the bad kind, but the Happy Halloween kind! If you head over to my blog, you can check it out! Have a wonderful day! :)
Hopefully my son's will have the courage and strength that your sound exhibited if they are ever met with adversity. The virtues your son showed are evidence of what a wonderful mother you are.
I have so much to be thankful for and in two months I will post about the miracle that the Lord will have performed in our family...In Jesus name. :)
Thanks for sharing your wonderful story...It brings forth HOPE~♥
What a wonderful post. I love it when God just lets us stress for a little and then DUH!!!! we realize, He is still in control.
Glad that all is well with your son.
Happy Thursday!
What a beautiful story! I am so glad that your son recovered fully from his injuries. God can work amazing things through doctors and nurses. I just wish some of them knew that. A lot of the doctors that I have worked with are nonbelievers in faith and the Lord's healing. But, I know the truth and it's stories like your son's that puts in all back into perspective.
What a sweet post about your son - he really sounds like a special kid - to never complain and make it through! What a trooper!
The power of prayer and faith is very real and makes me so thankful and humble on a daily basis!
I LOVE that your husband asked the doctors to pray with you! So sweet!
Thanks for sharing this great story. It warmed my heart that your husband asked the doctors and nurses to pray with you ~ and that they accepted & you held hands to pray. Great post. And, so glad your son is well today.
And, I'm sad to admit I definitely relate to the feeling sorry for myself syndrome!
Isn't God amazing?? I love the story you shared and the photos! Your little boy has come a long way, thanks to a lot of faith, and many prayers and support. So glad to hear that he's doing so well!!
Your post made me cry...I am still crying... Praise God your little one is okay and his heart is truly a gift from God...
That was so beautiful-I have tears in my eyes. When you go through a tramatic time, you can always look back and see the hand of God, but at the time it is so scary...last year at this time, it was my mom...I so know how you feel and how thankful you are...
It's nice to be reminded that just like Paul said in Phil 2:12"these things that have happened to me..." are all just another way for God to get the glory! and that we have sooo much more than the situation that is in front of us!
I am so happy that the outcome is so good. You are lucky, and we should all count our blessings each day.
Take care,
Oh yes, we all have times when we are attending a Pity Party. Then God has ways to snap us out of it. Prayer is so very, very powerful. Your son's determination to get back to where he can play sports again, is a reflextion of his parents. He learned that from watching you both. Great job!
This is a wonderful post. I am so glad to hear that your son is doing better. How neat to know that your son has been able to witness first hand God's faithfulness and healing power.
I think I might join you in your Thursday Thankful!
It's good to read this post. First of all, I am so glad your son is doing well. Secondly, I have been down in the dumps the past day or so. Nothing major, but I definitely needed a reminder of how blessed I am. Thanks for sharing your "stuff," and reminding me of the good things!
It"s me... again!
Where did you find the code for your button?
Thanks for entering the Mabel's House contest to win my debut suspense novel, SISTERS OF MISERY! Even if you don't win, I hope you get a chance to read and enjoy it!
Megan Kelley Hall
P.S. Happy Halloween!!
What a reminder of all the things that are important. :) SO glad your son is doing better.
Dear Megan Hall,
I have no idea what Sisters Of Misery is...maybe you have the wrong Sandy toes...But thank you so much for stopping by :)!!!!
That is quite a story! I'm so glad everything turned out ok--eventually. God is good! Check out my blog for a great giveaway!
Thanks for you enlightening "Thursday Thankful" reminding us all to look back on the things that really matter...and yes, I have many days of feeling sorry for myself, too! Happy Halloween!
What a great kid!! I love having the peace of prayer.
We are all so very blessed each and everyday. I think we are all guilty of forgetting just how blessed we are until something happens. Your post is so touching and I’m so happy that God gave you and your family a happy ending. I am going to borrow your Thankful Thursday link and follow you in being thankful to the Lord for just a few of those blessing I have received in my life. Thank you for the reminder.
What a beautiful post.....there is a lot to be said about the power of prayer!!!
What a sweet and handsome boy.....I am so glad that through hard work and determination, he was able to go back to the sports that he loves!!
You do have a lot to be thankful for.....have a wonderful day!
Our children teach us much about ourselves, don't they? This is a lovely story and you've shared your heart beautifully. There IS much to be thankful for and it's easiest to see when focused on God on what He's already accomplished.
Celebrating this year of victory for your son; he's a lovely testimony of trusting God and responding in a way that honors Him.
Thank you for reminding me :).
That is a beautiful post!! A true miracle in the making! What a wonderful story of faith and healing!
kari & kijsa
What a lovely post! I'm so glad your son is well!
Amazing story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. God is so good!
What a tear jerking post. I'm so glad your son is doing so great. The fact that you and your husband prayed with the doctors first is awesome. I am thankful for women like you and Edie who remind me to be thankful!
I really love this post. I'm sorry to hear that happened to you but I'm so glad everything worked out! My heart breaks for parents that have to deal with illness, surgeries, even baby flus - I can just see how much it hurts them I don't even have children yet. I can't even fathom the pain.
I'm thankful for you for reminding me to be thankful!
What a fabulous idea Thankful Thursdays is! I need to have more days that I'm thankful and my perspective on life is realigned.
I hate that your precious boy had to go through such a trial but, man, am I impressed with his fortitude! My son has been quite sick for a few months and sometimes it seems like it's never going to get better, but your statements of faith have reminded me that God is able and willing to bring us through this. Thank you!
I like this idea for Thankful Thursday. And I loved the story about your tough little guy and the power of prayer! Thank you for sharing it. And I'm so glad he is doing so well! Thanks for the birthday wishes...I appreciate it...and intend to make it a happy one!
I am so glad your son is doing so well after that terrible ordeal. I know I too have days where I feel like complaining and nothing in the world is right, but all I have to do is look around me and I can name a million things to be thankful for. God is so good and faithful!
LOVE the pillows and all the toile in your last post! I am jealous of the toile chair. Did you do that or have it done professionally?
It's me :) I made the Thursday Thankfuls pic :) Anyone can use it, if they want...and stop and let me know and I'll add you to my list of people who are posting Thursday Thankfuls!
Your Thankfuls post is awesome! What a great story of courage of God's goodness! So, thankful that your darling little boy is better...what a handsome guy he is!
Looking forward to reading all of the Thursday Thankfuls posts!!!
Oh my what a FABULOUS story and I am so glad your son has fully recovered from the breaks. I know when I am having "one of those days" that it will always get better and our GOD is awesome isn't he!?!
I had been told I would never have any children and the Dr. I found in this town talked to me about it and then every time I went to have any thing done in his office related to "trying to get pregnant" he held both of my hands and said a prayer. Yes, Lexi is a definite blessing for me.
Glad to hear he is healing so nicely:) Thanks for the reminder!
Ohhhh the power of prayer we have a great healer the Lord Jesus Christ Great report
Wow that is quite a story. It shows how fragile life is, and how it is not always in our hands. Thank you for sharing that, I too have a lot to be thankful for!
Thanks Sandy Toes!
I think we all tend to feel sorry for ourselves and life needs put in perspective. One of the ways I stay grounded and not caught up in what little things I did not accomplish today, I thank God that my son is healthy and that myself and my husband are too.
Your son is a cutie and I'm so happy to read that he is doing all those crazy things boys do like diving on the diving board and playing golf,etc...
We all have so much to be thankful for. I tend to take things for granted. Thank you for the reminder. Mimi
Sandy Toes,
What an awesome story!
In response to your question about games....
I hate to tell you what all systems my boys have. Because of my tech hubby they all have just about everything including DS lites and a Wii.
Your not a bad mom for hiding his! :-)
God is good!
What a brave little man!
God is amazing. Your prayers and faith got you through those tough first days and praise the Lord your son is now doing so well!!
What a great testimony to God's goodness. It is so good to be thankful and to remember all He's done for us. :)
I'm so happy to hear your son is doing so well now. A really touching post. Happy Thankful Thursday!
I needed this today Sandy Toes! My two gave me a run for their money, I tried to call my hubby to just have an adult who would listen to me whine a bit and he didn't answer (I guess all the exercise noises they make like fake bombs, guns, etc... were a bit deafening and he missed the ring!)...and then I sat to read this. Wow! I'm now snapped back to reality now! Your son has amazing strength, courage and 'oomf' for lack of a better word. Give him a huge high five from my family! Way to go superhero healer!!! Hugs, Les
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