Well, here I am many years later and both of my children are playing piano. Honestly, those same desires of throwing a ball have been TRANSFERRED to my kids. My two oldest love sports and if we are not at a practice or game...we are at the batting cages or court practicing for the next season to come around.
With all that being said, my kids still are playing piano. As a matter of fact, my son loves to sit down and just play...he is getting to that point where he can just play! I love to listen to him...
This weekend, they both had their piano recital... My son was thrilled b/c with the help of his teacher he could pick some songs he liked. He played "Lean on Me" and "Pink Panther" believe it or not...they are both lonnngggg songs.
I am not sure how I will react the day they come to me and say they want to "Quit"{maybe they never will} but for now I am just enjoying the {MUSIC}~
Wow what gorgeous red hair they have. I love these pics. Peter wants to play piano too. I started him last winter and it was too many tears so Im going to restart him in the fall. I hope my son gets to the point where he can just play like your son. That shows a real love of piano not just that they're doing it cause they have to.
How adorable. I have had my oldest in piano since he was 8 (5 years) and he still loves it. His recital is next weekend. Blessings.
That is so great! Music is so important and my two oldest daughters are taking piano lessons and I love to hear them play! I think that they will be so happy when they get older and can play the piano for their own children!
How sweet ~ They must have been so proud of their accomplishment.
Isn't it funny what we remember about our childhood. Plain as day, I can still remember (and smell) my piano teachers coffee breath ~ she always seemed to be drinking a cup when I was there. To this day whenever I have coffee at school, I always pop a stick of gum in my mouth afterwards so my students don't have the same memories of me! :)
How wonderful to have well rounded children!!
I love the piano and wish I knew how to play. 2 of my daughters are starting this summer... finally got in after a long wait.
have a great Monday! I think i'm going to need 2 Starbucks this morning after a busy 3 days!! :)
I still remember you picking out "Amazing Grace" on the guitar!!! You were pretty good-but remember how you always told me I threw a ball "like a girl"?! I did!I was afraid to play catch with you-you threw a ball fast, and hard!!! You really had talent!
Good memories-
I wish I would have stuck with playing the violin when I was younger, but I just got tired of it! I hope Anna Claire plays an instrument--but my husband hopes she can throw a ball!
That's one regret I have...that I never pursued learning how to play a musical instrument. Believe it or not, but I would have loved to learn to play the banjo! I think that by encouraging your children to learn to play music, you're helping them to become well-rounded individuals. Those who play music have even been shown to test higher in certain areas than those who don't. In my eyes, it's a win-win situation.
You have the cutest kids! A big congrats on all they've accomplished in their young lives!
Ahhh --they are so cute at the piano!! So nice that they are enjoying it.
Hope you have a great week!
Brings back sweet memories, the pictures and the piano. My youngest daughter Amy (she's pitured on my blog) looked so much like your daughter at that age. She took piano lessons for about 5 years before she lost interest...about the time she started dating. We kept the piano until she left home and then sold it. I wish I still had it and when she comes for visits she could play. Love the sound of piano in the house...
joy c.
Lovely kids. That is just a great talent to have.
That's sweet! I love listening to pianist.
Great pictures at their piano recital. I took when I was young and once I was allowed to quit I never played again. Now I regret it....wish I remembered how.
That is awesome, I'm thinking one of my kids might be musical. My husbands family down a few generations played with some country legends so you never know. I however have no musical talent (:
These images are beautiful!
This is so nice to see, I tried piano as a kid and got over it, ballet was my real love. This is great, I am sure your home is filled with beautiful music.
that's so neat! great pictures!
One beautiful redhead and one handsome gent.
ahhhh, my kids all play sports but NONE of us are musically inclined. The 2 year old blows on the recorder. Doesn't count, does it? Beautiful pics.
I love these pictures.....they both look gorgeous all decked out for the big recital....and they look awfully cute sitting infront of the piano. You must be so proud of them!
I think that's great that they play piano! I have always wanted to learn but I chose the flute instead. Now I can't play that! The pictures are great!
I too have the kids (2 out of our 5) take piano and it leads to so much-
I play guitar so it's so much fun when we all "jam" love it!!
I think that is so wonderful that they play piano. I took lessons from my grandmother, but when she died I refused to take from anyone else. Now I wish I had and she would have wanted me to.
Loved looking at the photos of them at the piano. My Morgan played for 3 years, but she just hated practicing and just would not commit to it! I really regret letting her quit. She doesn't seem to miss it, but I know one day she'll have regrets too!
These are such cute pictures~ so sweet ! :) Your children look like they were really enjoying themselves! :)
I started taking piano lessons in first grade and my parent's rule was that we had to take lessons until seventh grade and then we could choose what to do after that.
It was the best rule they ever gave us! By the time I reached 7th grade, I had a purpose for playing (I played well enough by that time to begin playing for church, etc.) and I began to love piano even though I had hated during many of my younger years.
I hope your kids stick with it! It is by far one of the greatest gifts my parents gave to me. :)
Thats great that he picked those songs on his own. They both look like they love it and sound like it too. Great pics too. My soon to be step daughters play piano as well...I love hearing them...but sadly I havent been able to go to a Christmas recitial because they are usually on Saturday mornings when Im working. But Ive seen video of it and I'm missing out big time!
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