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What a trip to Hobby lObby can do!

I am in the aisles of Hobby Lobby....I am in the midst of a BIG project for my daughter's class. It hit me...I MUST share this with my bloggy friends...but I can't...I told them I quit!

OkAy...let's just be honest...First, life can just be hard and sometimes it swallows you "whole" and you just can't do anything but {survive}. Or maybe it's just bad PMS but not me...I had a hystrectomy! So let's go with the first choice!

I struggle who I am in the blog world! I don't want to make it sound like we are the "Leave it To Beavers Return" so far from that! Or that I have a three course meal with homemade pumpkin pie on the side...the {drive through} lady knows me by name.

I am the ultimate Type A person you will ever meet.... I had to take off my bumper sticker of my kids school off my car b/c I don't know if my driving is a testimony!(I really am not that bad!)

I am political and I HATE (do you Hear HATE!) what is going on!

But, one thing I do know is that I do love blogging and I miss it already! Don't know if I will be here everyday or once a week but I can't close shop! I told you I hate the word "quit"...I NEVER let my kids "quit" so why should I!

So let's just pretend I DO have PMS and let's start fresh today....

Here is a sneak peak of what I am up too....oh, I can't wait to show you the finish product!


Annikke said...

YAY!! Glad you will pop in once in a while!

Can't wait to see the end result of the project!

duchess said...

So glad you're reconsidering.

Janene said...

I know exactly how your feel...I think I have taken blog vacations and/or quit several different times and it hasn't even been a year yet!
But I am so glad that it is only PMS...because I would miss not reading your blog!
I love that ribbon! Very festive!

Ruth said...

I am so glad that you are still here. I would miss you!!!
Can't wait to see what you're making.

I am having a giveaway on my blog. Hope you can stop by.


Ellen Mint said...

Blog breaks are a wonderful thing. I have little breakdowns rather often and need to take some time off.

Jenni said...

I was so excited when I saw your new post on my reader, and thought I was seeing things at first! I'm glad you will be popping in now and then, because you would be missed! I can't wait to see what you are doing! :)

Have a beautiful day! :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! No pressure. Just stop by whenever you want. We'll be here when you do.

That ribbon is precious!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Ya know what? You can quit and come back and quit and come back and so on and so on! I have days like that. But I love your blog, and as long as it's here, I'll be reading. (And not judging!!)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's just wonderful to hear from you this morning. I feel like you are my girlfriend that just called on the telly to share some great sale! So far...I'm loving what you are doing! Can't wait to see what's next! HAVE FUN!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, Sandy... I don't think I could stand to see another blogger (particularly YOU) leave us! So glad you decided to stay and SO glad I didn't see this before. My computer has fortuitously been down, and I'm on a borrowed one.

Just blog when you can, and we'll be here. Sending you big hugs. Can't wait to see your project.


Sheila :-)

Robin Beck said...

I've had you on my Google Reader forever so you just post when you feel like it and I will be here to visit! Can't wait to see what you are up to with the ribbon and the Christmas tree!

P.S. The girls at Starbucks which is in Target here, will see me in line. They will do everything to get my attention and then say, "Your usual Robin?" Duh, of course!! LOL!

Lulu and Co. said...

I clicked on today just to read your last post... again just because i was missing you... and I see a POST!! guess what.... the day i am having is a take out dinner tonight.... and last dinner turned out so bad one of my daughters said she had a tummy ache to get out of eating... and we ate chips and salsa instead...

"Blossom" said...

Blog when you can; just don't stop.
Hurry, I want to see what you're up too. I am "A" too.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I am so happy-Here I am, scrolling through blogs and see Shell in Your Pocket-I am so happy!
None of us are perfect-but we have moments where we need a break...take them when you need them, and post when you feel like it-
And can't WAIT to see what you are up to...HL has a way of exciting the senses! LOL

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

I'm so glad you didn't leave us! Although I certainly understand needing a break. I get frustrated with blogging...I mainly blog so that family and friends can see what we're up to and it seems that they rarely respond to any of my posts. Sometimes I wonder if they ever bother to look! **sigh**

Can't wait to see what you're making! Love that ribbon! I'm trying to be a Good Girl and not set foot in HL!

April said...

You're back already?? As Paul Sedaka used to sing..."breaking up is hard to do!" Hope you'll, at least, pop in from time to time!

Now, are you decorating for Christmas this soon? I can't wait to find out more about what you've been up to!

Chasing Dreams Photography said...

Yeah PMS (I had a hysterectomy too) gets me too!!!
Glad your sticking around...because that drive thru lady knows my voice and exactly what I am about to order before I order.
You keep posting what you feel and what inspires you...and if you are inspired by a drive thru burgar well then by all it! : )

Rachel Berry said...

I'm so glad to see you popping in every once in a while. It's seems that once in a while is all the blogging I do lately. Can't wait to see the final project. As soon as I get my Etsy orders out of my hair I am doing something for ME! My bathroom in dying to be finished & I am the one who is going to do it!

Julie said...

I love the ribbon... and we love you coming back, even if it is every now and then... do what you need to do, we are here when you stop back by!!!


i leave for 5 minutes and this is what happens to you? get it together man!

Georgia Girl said...

So glad your not quitting cause I am not a crafty lady and I can't figure things out so I need all the wonderful crafty people in this circle to help answer all my questions and since I found your blog I am so loving your humor and your beautiful glad your back from time to time or blog really rocks for us boring ones...hehehe!

Sandra said...

Yay! Such good news! Love it. Just enjoy it and no pressure in blogging or topics or anything. Just glad you are still here! xoxo

Mari said...

I was so happy to see a post from you pop up in my reader! I'll take what you can give!

Christa said...

Yipee!!! You....are...back.....!!!!!! So HAPPY!!!!!

Joy said...

You blog when you want to ok... PMS or not. Don't let it be a pressure thing, just a fun thing or a way to get things off your mind. It does help with blood pressure. There are a lot of us that feel the same way you do about what is going on these days.

I can't wait to see what you will do with these pretty ribbons.


Darlene said...

YAY, I'm so glad you didn't leave us. Just blog when you want we will still come visit!

I can't wait to see the project!

Angie said...

Yay! I sure don't want you to quit! I do not stress about my blog at all. I do it all for fun and do a post when I want. Sometimes it's almost everyday and sometimes it may only be once or twice a week. We will be here whenever you want to pop in and let us know what is going on. Do it when you want! Is that Christmas already? I went to the library today and checked out some Christmas decorating books so maybe I can do some crafts early. I always intend to, but never do!

Jo said...

I was THRILLED to see you when I was checking in on my *friends* this evening!

OK, so I guess this mean that you are just a normal person living a normal life ~ that's why we lov ya!{and the fact that I totally agree with your political views}

Can't wait to see what you're up to with the latest and greatest project.


Jodee said...

Hooray! So glad you are back!

I love, love, love the holiday ribbon!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad that you decided not to quit! Can't wait to see how that project turns out!

Joanna said...

So glad to hear you will be back!

Oh I can't wait to see what the finished project will look like!

aurora said...

Glad to see you! Yay. :D Can't wait to see this project! xo

Jboo said...

YAY -- am so very happy to see that you are not quitting! Can't wait to see your finished project! And you're right - life is hard sometimes, but so worth it.


BlueCastle said...

You can't quit! So glad you reconsidered. :) I've been slightly MIA lately, but blogging is my outlet. I keep coming back to it.

Mother Hood said...

I'm really glad you're back. I've been stressed lately too. All areas of my life are super busy right now. My blogging has decreased quite a bit.

And I don't have the time to keep up with reading others' blogs. Just know that some seasons are harder than others. You'll be back to your bloggy self in no time!

Smelling Coffee said...

Well - I'm so glad that you didn't quit! I saw a new post (the one about the delicious chocolate chip cake) on my google reader and had to hop over and see what's going on!

The Lord will show you how, when, what, etc. if you ask Him to - and we'll all be blessed. :-)

Me (aka Danielle) said...

I'm so glad you are back! I used to be a loyal reader...back in the day, and somehow, got lost..I caught up with you just in time to see you announcing the end. I'm relieved to know that I might be able to catch back up!

Jenn said...

Enjoyed reading your blog post! I really love the way you write!

I go crazy at Hobby Lobby!! :D