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In Their Lunchbox~

I have to make lunch for my kids every day but Friday (that is PiZzA day!). It really is a struggle of "What??". Both of my kids do not like sandwiches. So twice a week I do the "hot" meal in the thermos but I struggle the other days.

I do lunch duty on Wednesday and I always take a peek at everyone's lunches. There are some creative meals out there...some of the kids even eat sushi and tuna fish. Oh, I only wish my kids would eat stuff like that!

Well, a couple of the kids have what is called "LAPTOP lunches"...check out the link here.

It is very creative and has multiple ideas. I love the containers. However, I already had lunch boxes so I decided to be "creative". I went to Walmart (now that is where creativity starts...hee hee). Ziploc has these plastic containers with compartments...almost like the laptop lunches. So I made my own.

So today, they had yogurt, manderine oranges, cut up cheese, crackers, raisins and a rice krispy with a little water bottle (LOVE the small waters at Costco). Tomorrow, I am going to cut up cucumbers, apples and do a roll up with ham and some cashews on the side.

I am really trying to get my kids to eat healthier!

What do you pack for lunch?

Any Great Ideas? Let's share them today.


Tara G. said...

Wow! I wish someone would pack me a lunch- or at least make it! :)

Darlene said...

We are boring and do a sandwich, chips and a treat such as cookies, pudding, etc. I guess my daughter is easy because she LOVES sandwiches. She also eats in the cafeteria (usually) about 2 to 3 times a week if she likes what they are having.

April said...

Do you know that I pack lunches for my girls everyday. They don't like eating "cafeteria food". Thankfully, they both like sandwiches, so it's not a real struggle. I always put in some sort of fruit, too...usually grapes or a banana.

Yiota said...

School lunch is my son's main meal of the day so he gets a homemade dish every day plus salad and fruit. In other words, what I put on the table for hubby and me or what would be an ordinary lunch at home, gets in little containers and that's his school lunch. No treats at school - he may eat something sweet when he gets back home.

Scrappy Girl said...

Sushi for a packed lunch...that sounds a little coo-coo to me. LOL!

Love your creative lunches...very healthy!

I am Mom said...

My high-school student does not like sandwiches either and his school provides no food. So, everyday he packs (stuffs in his backpack) a protein bar, Arizona Green Tea and an apple or small bag of chips.
When he gets home at 3:30 he eats his "real lunch". The protein bar and green tea seem to keep his energy up and appetite down long enough.

Busy Bee Suz said...

this is a great idea, and how I like to eat my lunch too.
My girls don't eat much during school...but when they get home? They clean out the fridge!!

Annikke said...

I have one kid who doesn't mind sandwiches, and another who doesn't like bread. It can be such a challenge sometimes to find stuff he will eat. Fortunately for me he doesn't mind left overs in a thermos, but even that can be a challenge on some days. I am lucky my kids love fruits and veggies. I think packing lunches is one of the more challenging things we do as moms.

koralee said...

Just found your lovely blog...and so so glad I did..I am a lunch mom maker and hate it!!!!!!!! My kids do not like sandwiches either..why? I wish I knew because on the weekends they seem to be fine with them. I love your idea. Your blog is lovely off to check out some of your past posts and see what I have been missing!

jen@odbt said...

So far my kids ask for the same thing, every day. My son has a turkey w/ bacon sandwich; my daughter - turkey or pb&j. Sometimes we get wacky and do the "home lunchables - crackers, cheese, deli meat". There is always fruit, cheesestick or yogurt included. Have you tried wraps? That's not really a sandwich.

Windy said...

love those containers! I feel a need to go to WM to get some:) We have been fighting the sandwich boredom, too. Chicken nuggets and corn dogs are two of my kids faves right now.

trish said...

You have some great ideas there. :o) I really like the containers that you are using. I will need to remember that.

Robin Beck said...

I think what you are doing is PERFECT!

Ruth said...

These are great ideas. I love the little compartment containers. Before we homeschooled, I had to do the same with my kids. They didn't care for sandwiches. I was always thrilled that there was pizza on Friday.


Jboo said...

Great containers and ideas! My girl usually takes peanut butter on Ritz crackers, some chips (Baked Lays), cookies, grapes and has milk from school. I used to make her heart-shaped pb&j's, but now she just wants the crackers. Will try to get her to try some new things!


Mrs. S. said...

I want those for my lunch! What a great idea!

Laura said...

What a great idea! I am going to get some of those containers! We homeschool so I don't have to pack lunches but I think I would like to use them to teach portions of the different food groups. You know - bigger sections for veggies, smallest for sweets, etc.
Should make it fun! I can't wait to try it!

LuLu said...

Why aren't we neighbors so we can discuss making creative lunches over a latte! i need this post so bad. 2 of my girls don't like many sandwiches. one doesn't like jam... oh it's hard. love what you are trying!!

Jeni said...

I need all the help I can get with the lunch thing! Thanks!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I need to try this-I make the same thing EVERY DAY for my boys...they are creatures of habit, I guess I am too-
This will be something different!

Anonymous said...

i totally understand! lunch is so hard! my kids do not like sandwiches either so we do the turkey or ham roll ups,pepperoni and cheese crackers and pbj crackers! keep the ideas coming! i need them!

Anonymous said...

Great containers! Great ideas! I homeschool-- and I still run out of ideas!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love those containers. Going to look for those.

I only have to make lunch on Friday for co-op (we homeschool) and I dread it. We can't have PB and that is our main thing for lunch during the week. I'll have to check out that link!

Christa said...

Great ideas. Thanks for sharing. I too saw those fancy lunch boxes. Never thought to make my own! Great job, as usual!!

Joy said...

I'll have to look for those ziplock containers. I really don't like using ziplock baggies. What a waste. I usually use plastic containers in their lunch boxes. I also subscribe to that website. My kids will eat sandwiches and don't complain too much.
Here is another website you would enjoy.
She makes very creative bento box lunches too. You have to scroll thru and find them.


Anonymous said...

My friend Mer recently did a post on lunch ideas:

I love these posts b/c I always get new ideas. I get sick of packing the same stuff all the time.

My kids love cheese melted on a tortilla and rolled up. They also like it when I give them yogurt with some "mixins" like cereal, fruit, etc.

Sarah Bradford-Burton said...

My daughter was one of the few kids at her school who actually ate lunch that wasn't candy!
I made her homemade "lunchables", cut up cheese and meat into crackers sizes, cucumber, baby tomatoes, carrot sticks, hummus dip or other kind of dip, roll up sandwiches or homemade burritos, soup, cut up small mini sandwiches, fruit salad, yogurt, dry cereal, granola, mixed nuts and raisins, left over rice w/ roast beef and gravy, anything she loved leftover wise. She still eats great today!
Homemade healthy muffins are a great lunch too!

Anonymous said...

Sounds healthy! I am not crazy about sandwiches either!