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Nothing smells better....

Late last night, I baked some apple cake for a school event. This is a simple cake but makes the house smell delicious! You could almost {lick} the air....after you lick the bowl, of course!

You can't let Fall pass you by without making something warm and full of cinnamon{even if it's at 10:45p.m.}. At least , No one is tugging at you for the spoon that late at night!

Apple Cake

2 cups of flour

2 cups of sugar

1 t of vanilla

1 t of cinnamon (maybe a pinch more)

3 eggs

3 cut up apples chopped small (skinned and cored)

Mix well; Pour into a greased 9 by 13 pan; Bake for 40-45 minutes at 350.



vicki said...

I miss your apple cake

Robin Beck said...

I can smell it from here!!!!

trish said...

What a delicious recipe! :o)

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Yummy! I have a huge bag of apples that I need to do something with...maybe I'll make some apple cake! Does it freeze well?

Unknown said...

I am going to try this my parents just got back from the mountains with a bushel of apples this will give me an excuse to use some up!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Darlene said...

I bet that does smell and taste heavenly!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.♥

carolinagirl said...

YUMMY! perfect for fall!

Joanna said...

Oh that does sound simple! Yum! I agree with Robin, I can smell it too. *smiles*

Ruby Red Slippers said...

This sounds easy...I think I can make it before the kids get home from school today! I just may impress them with this one, thanks to you!!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I may try this one soon. Sounds wonderful!!

April said...


Unknown said...

I love apple cake! It's one of the best parts of fall!

Smelling Coffee said...

Yumm!!! I can almost smell it, too!

Lulu and Co. said...

I'll be right over for a slice and a latte for you,

Little Lovables said...

sounds delicious and easy!!

Administrator said...

I would LOVE to try this recipe.

I am not the best baker, I really do not know much about the scientific process of baking! BUT doesn't this need some leavening? Baking powder, soda or salt??

Sounds so easy without all that I was just curious about how it rises??

Jboo said...

That sounds wonderful! Will have to remember it and give it a try!


Christa said...

Looks like a keeper recipe. Thank you. I also wanted to thank you for telling us about the progressive chopper you used a long while back to chop your salads. I got one and just love it and use it everyday. Thanks for all you do.

Shell in your Pocket said...

I tried to respond to you but no link.

I am so happy you love that chopper...that is my favorite kitchen tool!

Sandy Toe

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

YUMMMM!! Sounds delicious!

Enjoy your weekend....and the cake:)


Kacey said...

Apple CAKE? Who knew! I have to have it! ;D

Daphine said...

I've never heard of an apple cake! Sounds delicious!!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Mmm...I made apple cake this week, too. I use my grandma's recipe~its my fave:)

Ruth said...

Another yummy recipe!! I love to bake anything with apples and cinnamon. It makes the whole house smell wonderful.


Emmy said...

Oh, I have never even heard of such a cake. I want one now!