Have you ever met someone maybe it was brief or turned into a lifetime friendship? but, sometimes you wonder why?Just an
acquaintance or together for a {purpose}.
acquaintance or together for a {purpose}.
all of a sudden you are giving advice...you {tell}your story...you offer a {hope}...a {maybe}...you aren't exactly proud but in a twisted sort of way when you walk away. You can look back at {You} and finally, maybe have a reason why you went through something you did! To let someone else know there can be healing at the end~
i know you are completely {lost} here...but I am feeling philosophical right now(this does not happen often)
just nod your "head" yes~
Yes, yes, I get it :)
Not lost at all--been there.
2 Cor 1:1-7
Ditto, been there myself, big time.
I'm not one to believe so much in "coincidence" but am big on Godly "confirmations." God will use your good AND bad life experiences to help others if you are willing to share them.
Good stuff.
Yes, I've been there many times! I UNDERSTAND!
Yes, I get it.
Nodding head yes! Sometime I wonder why things happen - there's a reason.
I do know what you mean-I am like Robin's nest-I don't believe in coincidence, but God's Providence...
I completely get it!
Yes, I get it, Ms. Toe! :-)
You know, the other day, I had two separate things happen when I was in the right place at the right time. It happened over a period of two days. While my presence was meant to help others, it was as if the Lord had a message for me because I was feeling like I wasn't doing enough to "count" for Him. Sometimes we can be like Martha and work ourselves silly, but what He wants is a heart like Mary's. Anyhow, I was somewhere, and I allowed Him to work through me... and it felt SO good. Mainly because He was doing it and had the reins. So I think I understand what you're saying, Sandy.
Sheila :-)
If I'm not mistaking, you were one of the many angels who emailed me when I had my miscarriage.
Yes, I understand this post completely.
nodding... and really getting it :)
I get it too! I can't wait to hear what you have to say tomorrow... i munched away on it this morning as i painted and drank tea! :)
That is a TRULY lovely spot to relax!!!
I totally get it and can absolutely relate.
No...I am right with you on that one. All experiences in life are learning ones.
Great thoughts.
What a neat blog you have!
I feel lucky that you stopped by my blog just because I could stop here.
Love your "about me" section.
I'll be back!
So true! Friends can come at just the right time and sometimes leave at the right time, when we are ready for a change. Had a friend completely check out as a friend, but had two old friends come back into my life at about the same time. Its as if life takes care of us, and when you most need it! I think in the end we learn a lot and grow a lot from friendships. Its a great journey. Sometimes its painful, hard, and not enduring as we hoped, but sometimes its wonderful, hopeful, humourous, and just good for the soul. I've learned the older and longer I'm alive, to roll with it, and it works!
First of all, thanks for your comment on my blog Sandy Toes! I have seen you around for awhile, and now I am glad to come visit and peruse.
Don't mind me, I'll just be blurking around a bit... : )
And yes, this post? I totally get it!! Love it.....
YES, YES, I understand and YES, YES!
Yes. (I'm nodding.) :-)
yes, all things happen for the Glory of God... and that means the bad things too, just for moments like those. Glad you could be a blessing
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