The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.
-George Washington
Some day, following the example of the United States of America, there will be a United States of Europe.
-George Washington
(THIS IS THE ONE quote that has proven from this weekend to be incorrect-it is the complete sad!)
The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves. -George Washington
So true... I sense that our Nation is heading into a form of captivity. Yet the Lord is still on His Throne... and He is preparing to use His people as beacons of His Light and His Hope in the midst of our captivity to speak of His True Freedom in Christ...
So thankful for the Lord's Power and Sovereignty in all things...
Yes, Jennifer, God is powerful and sovereign. But, I think Christians use this as a "sole" excuse to say nothing and do nothing.
Our founding fathers did not just pray and claim God's promises. They lived them out...behind the pulpit (our churches have failed us-they are mute), in the schools, at the dinner table...they shed their own blood to fight for this once great nation.
There needs to be more than thankfulness for God's power and sovereignty but a voice for what is good, pure and right!Our kids need to be taught the history of this nation and why the founding fathers wrote what they did!
Sandy Toe
I could not agree with you more! I think it's high time that we, as Christians, take a stand to re-establish the principals on which our country was founded. Seems like we've lost sight of that!
Sandy Toes,
You know we completely agree with you-even your comment.
Today is a very sad day in my eyes...
So thankful for the Lord's Power and Sovereignty in all things...
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