We took a visit to a wonderful cookie shop that sells all kinds of wonderful cookies full of sprinkles and big chocolate chips. It is settled in a cute town that is a huge bicycle riding area with great paths and parks.
Right when we walked in my son yells out that he wants a "McCain" cookie. Of course, my girls echoed that request with even more "excitement"! My son wanted to buy them all...it would look like a victory...like father like son!
Just so you know...there are people at the Blue Chip Cookie Shop eating cookies based on their political views....
Oh your kids are so cute, LOL! My hubs would have bought them all too.
How fun! Put me down for one of those cookies, too!:) Was there anyone buying Obama cookies? I'm hoping they had a lot of those left over- lol! Lori
I love the cookie! My mother made buttons for everyone in the family. I have gotten alot of feedback on it . . . mostly good. Thanks for stopping by our blog.
Be Blessed,
Love those cookies! :)
Love the cookie and I too hope they had a lot of Obama cookies left over ;)
Love the cookies! They would go over great at our house! :)
Who knew eating a cookiew could be political!!!
Those cookies would go over big in this house....My husband would buy many....He has taught Sarah to say "George and Sarah" whenever she see their picture each night as he reads through newsweek...it is funny, but she knows who they are as soon as she sees them in print or on TV!
Have a good day!
I LOVE Blue Chip Cookies! What a treat... Though I'm ashamed to admit how many I could probably consume. At least they strategiaclly placed themselves by the bike trail so folks can then walk/run/bike off the calories. :) Have a super day!!!
Baskin Robbins (the ice cream store) also has political ice cream...not so good for a diet, but yummy all the same!
I love the cookies!!!
I saw your children on the side bar and they took my breath away they are so beautiful!
Those are the BEST cookies, ever! ha!
I LOVE IT!!!! Ha!
Thanks for the giggle this morning!
Hilarious! We are still undecided about the election, so I wonder if they make purple cookies or something (you know, a combo of red and blue...) I might have to buy some of those if I can find them for my family though...they would love them!
Okay that cookie is just great! I would have bought a dozen. your bringing that boy up right!
Hilarious! Love the cookies! Can you send some my way?? Cute kids!
That is so cute! We would definitly order the McCain/Palin cookies!!!!! Might get sick from the Obama cookie!! LOL
Im the manager of the bakery that made these cookies and just for the record we did have Obama cookies left and did sell completly out of mccain cookies
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I enjoyed reading your blog. Your kids are beautiful. I love the cookies! I would have chosen the McCain cookies as well.
Too funny! I totally approve that message. lol
Oooh, I want a McCain cookie too!! How fabulous!
Thanks so much for adding me to your blog list! Right after I found your fun blog I added you to my google reader and signed up to "follow" your blog! I've even shown my hubby your blog with the hobie cat! :)
thanks for visiting me today! :)
I want some of those cookies.
Go McCain/Palin.
My son said there is an Obama club of kids at his school trying to get members by giving out candy. Maybe I need to send him in with some of these cookies supporting the right team.:)
That is too cool! I love your blog, it's so cute and clever, and your children are adorable!
Love the cookies...I agree I hope they have lots of Obama cookies left over.
Thanks for stopping over to my little corner. New to this site and I just love it! Also love your blog so gotta add you to my list to ramble about.
Very cool! These look so real. Like the RNC or something. Too cute.
And Congrats on your win on Monday !
I think that is a great idea! Love the pics - adorable kids.
Mmm, looks yummy to me. What a way to rally support for the candidates :)!
I'll take 4 one for me, my husband, my daughter, and son. Yea we can all vote! Your children are precious! Jackie
Too funny!
This post gave me crave sugar cookies...LOL.
I'll take one of those! How hilarious! I hope they taste good too!
Blessings to you and yours,
AWESOME!!!! :D I have never seen cookies quite like that!! GO McCAIN!!!!!!
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