Lately, I have been picking up "little" stone birds from a cute little "rustic" shoppe and some from Hobby Lobby and here and there. I have them on my kitchen table turnaround...
It has been fun putting them around the house..they add a little interest to things. I have birdies in my flower pots outside. Of course, you have to be careful not to HAVE TO MUCH...where it looks like grandmas! But, a few throughout the house have been fun!
Just with everything going up in cost, I have been trying hard not to spend money. However, most of these cute stone birds cost from$5-$8 and it's an easy way to do a little "decor sprucing up" to what you already have!
Your birdies are so sweet!
I too have a thing for sweet tweets! I keep finding more and more. Yours are very cute.
OHHH a girlie after my own heart...I love birds and nests as well. AND one of my fave books is Rebecca. Love your birdies. Will come by again..I can see you like to decorate like I do. cherry
Too Cute! I love little touches like that.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I love your little birdies. I, too, have been trying not to spend as much money but it's so hard when you love to decorate! I am now trying to decorate on a budget!
Please stop back soon!
I am ALL about the birds too. :o) I pick them up whenever I see a cute one. I can't help it!
I, too, have fallen in love with birds! I even put a bird feeder at my kitchen window. Not only are my real and deco birds lovely to look at, but every time my gaze falls on them, I am reminded of this verse and how much God loves me. Icing on the cake!
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. (Luke 12:6)
Love the birds...especially the little guy nestled in with the towels. What a sweet little thing!
I've recently been getting into the bird thing as well.
They're so darn cute.
First time here & love your blog.
Love those little birdies...very cute!
You know, I have seen those little birds around lately and have wondered if they could be at home in my house. I might have to give them a try, yours are so cute!
Oh, I love your cute birds! I currently have two, and I'm always looking out for more that I like. But considering it took me 2 years to find the first one that I liked enough to buy, I may not find any more. I think I just wasn't looking in the right places.
Hello, and thanks for stopping by my blog. Oh, I just LOVE your little birdies. I have birdie love right now too. If I see one that is cute and inexpensive (notice I didn't say cheap/cheep...heehee) I must get it!!! Oh, and nests and eggs too!
Came to you via The long road to China. You have a beautiful family! :)
Love the little birdies!
LOVE LOVE the birds!! My daughters & their room-mates call their house "The Bird Palace" they have birds every where.
I love those little birds! I looked and looked this summer for some of the painted iron birds and couldn't find them anywhere!
I am so glad you visited me because now I have found you! Love your blog and the little birdies look too cute all around your house!
Girl am I ever happy that our blogs crossed pathes!!! Your looks lovely.
I love the comment you left for me~ it does go by oh so quickly!!!
Those are so cute! I've had a hankering for some birdies too...but I can't find cute ones anywhere! I wish we had a Hobby Lobby--it sounds like you can find just about anything there!
~ Sarah
Thanks for stoping by my blog! I love your blog!
Hope you have a great night!
Hey there - if you are having trouble placing me, my momma is the bug lady from WFMW. (hanging head in shame) I just wanted to thank you for your compliment to my momma. She called tonight, very excited that so many of y'all think she's a super grandma and teacher.
Oh, and I love your little stone birds, especially the one in the wire basket.
I love them!
I have been eyeing little birdies at lots of different stores. I always pick them up and debate about whether I could find a place for them. I think the next time I see one I am just going to have to purchase it.
yes, pur home as well has "gone to the birds" love the way you put that. there's just something so inviting about...a little white, fake, cement bird looking at you. there's an adorable little boutique in our town called, "lulu and tutz" and i just should STAY AWAY if i know what's good for me, (and for my wallet i might add). it's nice to "meet you" i just came upon your blog and it's full of life and contentment.
What a cute site! I love it! Thanks for stopping by my site ... so glad you did!! :)
HI, I just love your blog. So much love you can just feel it!!!
You ask me on my blog where I got my back round. I found this cute site it's called They have free backrounds and widgets and just lots of fun stuff. And they are easy to put on your blog.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog!!
Ok..the more I read about Hobby Lobby on other blogs the more jealous I am that I don't have one! ;-)
The birds are super cute.
I have started to notice those adorable birds in stores now. I love them and I love how you've sprinkled them around in your decor. I don't collect anything at all...but I think I could be drawn to collect those sweet little birds! Thanks for visiting my blog. I love following people home and seeing their place. I'm gonna snoop some more so don't mind me if you see me lurking in corners!
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