Happy Labor Day! I guess it was the NORMAL holiday activities for us...
We did a little of this...(I love the smell of steaks on the grill or maybe the smoke??)
Alot of suntan lotion b/c it was a
hot, hot day....tried to get in some reading....I am way behind on my magazines. I think I read some today for the
first time from June.

The kids did a lot of playing, swimming, popsicle eating and catching butterflies...

It was a simple day of family fun and throughout the day our thoughts went out to those down south battling the storm! Their Labor Day was much different than ours...
Did you do anything "special" for your Labor Day? BBQ, hike, family visiting????
Click on comments..love to hear what you did!
What a cute blog you have! Love your heading!
Glad you had a fun Labor Day. We did, too.
Take care,
Hi there! You have such a cute blog. I love your name Sandy Toes. Looks like you had a fun and relaxing day. I'm preparing for my mother-in-law to visit. Cleaning, grocery shopping, spit shining the silverware (kidding). I just sat down finally. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog.
Have a great week!
Brandee :-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog, it's always so exciting getting new visitors. As I'm new to blogging, I find it fascinating how word gets around and sites get discovered. I'm curious, how did you stumble onto my humble little site as I had never visited yours, until now. (But I think it's great and I'll be back.)
Hi there! We had a nice relaxing day at home. Did a little swimming and went out for Mexican. Fun times!
Please come back by my blog anytime - take care!
Glad you had a great Labor Day! Mine was great...beautiful day and clear skies. We woke up this morning to fall-like temperatures and crisp, clean fresh air...almost like God knew we were craving the fall! :)
I cleaned the burners on the stove and did four loads of laundry.
It definitely was "Labor Day" for me.
cute blog and thanks for dropping by:)
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