"Nesting In Pleasant View" tagged me!!! How fun...go check out this fun blogger...she is a sweetie and so fun to read!
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate with LOTs of marshmallows..love it made with milk!
WHOOOAAA...Does that say 19 more days???? Ahhh..I have so much to do---------------->
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just them under the tree? Okay..I am blonde(well, foiled blond) but I don't understand this question....
3.Colored lights on house/tree or white? Oh my..must be white!
4.Do you hang mistletoe? No..goodness, I never have!
5. When do you put up your decorations up? When the last person is done eating their Thanksgiving meal...hee hee!
6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Mmmm, I love the "dips"!
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?I remember getting a dollhouse..wood...it had a lit up chandelier...Oh..I loved it!
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I have a terrible memory when recalling childhood memories but I remember where I was sitting and can almost see the family room when my mom told me there was no Santa...I was devasted!
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Yes, my husband and I exchange:)!
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? All our ornaments represent something..a vacation, a new baby, vacation.
11. Snow.Love it or dread it? I love the first fall of snow!
12. Can you ice skate? Yes!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? My dollhouse and cabbage patch as a kid!
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays to you? Being with my family and enjoying the magic of the season
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? If it has chocolate, I love it!!!
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Oh my..we have quite a few..our Christmas Van Express!
17. What tops your Christmas Tree?A angel.
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? I love them both..I love to watch family and friends open their gifts from me but receiving a gift is fun too!
19. What is your favorite Christmas song? "Believe" by Josh Groban
20. Candy Canes. Yum or Yuck? I love the first candy cane I lick at Christmas then that is it!
21. What do you want for Christmas? MMMmmmm..I would like some more charms for my Pandora bracelet.
22. Do you attend an annual Christmas party? yes!
23. Do you dress up for Christmas Eve or wear PJ's? I would dress up but the family doesn't like too..so pj's it is!
24. Do you own a Santa hat? Nope and I don't think I ever will!!!!
25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with? For 13 years my husbands family....maybe one year it will be at my house..maybe???!!!
Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Fill out the questions; Tag 5-7 people at the end of your post; Pass on the tag!
I tag.....
I also want to thank "Dear Diary" for this award!!! What a fun award and so appreciated! I am suppose to write what I love about Christmas....
Well, I love everything...the smells, the lights, the glitter, the trees...I love what Christmas represents and the memories are "treasures"! During part of my "childhood", we didn't celebrate Christmas as a family....I think I "make up" for those lost years!
Miss Ruby Shoes passed this award to me. Please stop by this blog and say "hi"....she is fun, witty, wears Santa hats and pj's and paints glow in the dark planets on her boys playroom!
Thank you for this award!!!
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who much choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
I pass this award to....
Aaah. This was such a fun post! I love all of the dips too - I could also just live off of the "sides." YUM!
It's fun to get to know people a little better through these tags. Definitely hot chocolate for me too. Mimi
That was a very cute tag! Congrats on the awards.
OHHHHH Sandy Toes, Sandy Toes, makes me laugh so much. I loved to read her Christmas meme and see her awards such.
Sorry, it just came out... loved the post :-D
Hello! I am very very pleased that you participated in Rhyme Time...The whole work has now been posted...And I am honored that you are part of the Christmas Chain!!
Congrats on your awards...!
And it was really nice to read more about you!
Congratulations on your awards...THANK YOU so much for mine! You just put a big ol' smile on my face at this early morning hour! I feel incredibly honored (sniff sniff).
I enjoyed reading all about you...such fun and helps all of us get to know you even better!
Hope your Friday's a happy one!!!
Great list!
I've been hinting for a pandora bracelet for a few years....haven't gotten it yet! Oh well.
Hot Chocolate with marshmallows for me too.
It was fun to read your answers and get to know you a little bit more.
Congrats on your other awards too:)
Your door and fence looks so wonderful--that post had like a zillion comments so I wrote it here. Also, now I have to go find that "Belive" song you were talking about!
Your blog looks great!
Congrats on the awards & loved finding out more about you.
Makes me want to find some dips & hot chocolate.
I didn't really understand the question about Santa either so I kind of made something up! :)
Congratulations on your award and thank you for mine!
What a fun post!!! I SO remember your doll house that lit up!!! I LOVED it, and wished I had one. I still think of it, and think about how cool it was.
Thanks for tagging me-I will post my Christmas questions soon!
(Love the Christmas award-you do deserve it!)
I enjoyed your answers...what a fun tag! I think the question about Santa meas does he wrap the presents or just leave unwrapped presents under the tree...I know my parents did that sometimes for our really "special" ones like our kitchen set or a special doll.
Is it a violation of blogland etiquette to just steal a meme and do it myself and then tag some people? I sure hope not because I'm going to. I'll link back to you of course though. Hope that's Ok!
Happy Holidays!
Very fun! Hot chocolate here too with the marshmallows. Ok, I have to get mine done. Hope you get your charms for Christmas. ;)
This was fun!! I love Hot Chocolate too --with lots of marshmallows!!
what a fun post...I learned alot about you! thanks for sharing a little of yourself with us!
Great post for the season - now I feel all bubbly and singy - gotta go turn on the Christmas music and fix a mug of hot chocolate! :)
THat was such a fun post...different from all the other tags that have been going around!!
A lot of my answers would be the same as yours....starting with number one....definitely hot cocoa and must have lots of tiny marshmallows!!
TGIF...enjoy your weekend!
more love for you on my blog too!
That was fun learning more about you. I'm so glad that we've "met" each other in this crazy blogging world. :)
And thanks for the award. I'll have fun passing it on to some other deserving friends.
Loved reading this post!
Congrats on the awards!
Fun awards! I think it's a toss up between egg nog and hot chocolate for me...but a little egg nog goes a long way!
Hope you have a fab Friday!☺
That was fun to read!! :o) Thank you for sharing! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I had to smile at the Cabbage Patch kid...I think that might have been my favorite gift too. :) I think they are "back" now and I am hoping they are still in vogue when my daughter is old enough to know the difference between a Cabbage Patch and a $5 Walmart baby doll!
'Tags' are fun, aren't they!!! Do you HAVE to be tagged though, to participate??? Maybe... I could just pretend I've been tagged... Can a blogger get away with that;)?!! I loved seeing all your family photos from your earlier posts too - beautiful! Hope you're having a great day...
Congrats on your award. I enjoyed reading all your answers. I hope one day you get to experience Christmas at your house. We did last year and we had such a wonderful time bonding together with just us, our own family unit. Have a blessed weekend!
Congrats on ALL your awards and thanks for giving one to me. It gave me a BIG smile!
I really enjoyed reading all these fun things about you!
Happy Friday and have a fabulous weekend friend!
I love all your answers...so cute. 19 days left? I should get that tree up then....
Congrats on the award! Love the meme!
I like this one...Christmas is enjoyed differently by everyone. It's fun to see the differences!
That was so much fun to read about you in the post! congrats on your awards!
Hot chocolate for me NO marshmallows.
I am with you on the hot chocolate made with milk and lots of marshmallows! Yum may have to go get some right now!
What a fun post!!! I love dips!!! Congrats on the awards!
Hi Sandy Toes! Congrats on your awards...cute tag to read, too! I told Jason we're going to do the car tour of lights and surprise Bryce one night with a ticket to ride...He also thought the idea was super! He comes home from his current trip next week so we'll get to go next weekend. So excited!
Happy day hun~ Les
Thank you, Sandy Toes!!!!
You are so kind!
I think we would be very good friends in real life!
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