Why I vote:
1. Fashion- The sticker " I voted" is very fashionable and I coordinate my clothes to match that sticker.
2. So I can complain
3. Cancel out another vote...we all know someone who is voting opposite of us
4. Long lines-it's my only chance to get caught up on my "reading"....too bad there is not wireless internet service..I could blog...darn!
5. I get such a "rush" of energy...casting my vote! This is one thing we all do that no matter who you are...every vote is equal!
6. I want to celebrate July 4th!
7. I like to stand in line pretending I am waiting to buy a Wii or a talking Elmo.
8. To re-live my college days when I just filled in the circle hoping it was the right answer:)!
7. Okay..Okay...it's my right and responsibility! Hope you will join me in the lines!!!
I'll be there.
Ditto to it all!
I am so happy that you are as passionate about it as I am! I am also just so excited to be done with the whole thing - this political craziness is going on and on forever!
that was so funny...the pretending to stand in line for Elmo or the WII
I already voted thankfully
Got to vote early thank goodness!!!
oh yes, all good thoughts. specially the cancelling out votes, I told me brother that the other day!! And yes, see ya at the pole!! LA
This is going to be a great day to lift our spirits.All we have to do is go vote and be a proud American. I can't wait for the polls to open.
My kids loved the whole process when I took them with me. While I was in the box, my youngest shouted, "Mom, don't forget to vote for McCain!"
That was hilarious...I'll use the time in line to start my newest book Eclipse!
Wireless Internet would rock!!!
I am heading out this morning!
Hhhahaha....#s 7&8 made me laugh right out loud! Let's do this thing! Today's the day!!
I enjoyed this post! I was in and out in 15 minutes last week!!! SWEET!
Love your reasoning:)
I'm headed out later (w/. kids).
Hope we don't have to wait too long.
I just voted and it only took 5 minutes. This was the first time voting electronically as well. It was neat!
Going to be in line at noon-when I have a babysitter...I will bring a book-good idea! Usually I just look around and try and guess who is voting for who...
Good one:)
Yay for your thoughts. Love it. I all ready did. Now I just pray that it all works out. God Bless America today.
We need to cancel a lot of votes this time!
I'm on my way right now. :-)
thanks for encouraging people to vote....i got the chance to vote early!
Thank goodness for absentee ballots, did you have a really long line?
I did the early voting last week! I was SO proud of myself for not waiting until today! Hubby did it too! Thanks for your last couple of posts leading up to today's election. I've enjoyed them both!
just got back!!
This was great! I'm going to catch up on my "Behind Those Eyes" reading for this week! I am way behind! See ya in line!!
Been there and done that :)
All very compelling...and funny reasons to vote! I did my part.
This is great...love the list! I'll be wearing my sticker all day...I may even pull it out again tomorrow :) I was also hoping on catching up on some (Twilight) reading, but fortunately (or not) I didn't have to wait in line.
Hope you're having a great Tuesday!
So glad we are free in America to make our own choices, it is so AWESOME! Elmo, not, American Girl, Yes I will stand in line!!!
Voted absentee (as encouraged in our area) -- missed the excitement of going to the polls. : )
We voted early...I had maybe 11 people in front of me and it only took a total of 18 minutes to get thru the line AND vote! Wooohoo! :)
I'm laughing out loud about Elmo!
They didn't have stickers this morning when I voted...I was bummed!
I joined you! I hear you about the lines... 2.5 hours here.
Too funny! I was able to vote last week! It is such a good feeling!
Yeppers! My hubby and I went in two weeks ago to early vote. I get so upset that folks here can vote and don't vote. Grrr. Pet peeve of mine! But, I forgot to get my sticker so no freebie coffees today for me. Shoot... ;) Hugs, Les
We had early voting in our state. No lines no waiting so fabulous. Mimi
What an amazing turnout!
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