I am in denial..Mourning...I am wearing "black" today...should I wear this pant suit? Nay...too uncomfortable!

Maybe a cute black dress...like if I was going to a funeral...I feel like someone died..nahhh...too cold out!

This may work better...but I would have to wear the right shoes plus not to comfortable sitting at the soccer field in....

Hey, who am I kidding..it will probaly be a black sweatshirt and sweatpants....comfy....black...it's the way to go!How are you feeling today????

I've got my best Johnny Cash attire goin' on too Sandy.
Cute post!
I am feeling like a "mood ring" today - trying hard to trust, hold on to the Peace and Rule of Jesus, but quickly changing to worry when I'm not focused on trust... So, I'm a little black, blue, and then I'm green with hope and peace... :-)
I feel drained! Today I will celebrate my disappointment by going to get a mammogram. That won't hurt nearly as much as last night.
We are really going to need God right now. I will continue to pray for my country. It is going to need it because in my opinion, this country has turned against His wishes. We now will have leaders that will promote un-Godly principles. I truly hope I am wrong about this. Yes, we Christians need to lift our voices in prayer.
Sorry my post upset you. I was just stating that history was made in this election...by both parties a woman and an African-American were both involved. I feel that equality for all is the basis of our country and my strong faith. That is why I was proud. Proud that we have come far enough that a woman and as well as an african-american can be so successful.
OH YEA!!!HE'S GONNA PUT GAS IN MY CAR!!! (What?-wait a minute-you mean he's gonna TAKE the gas from my car and put it in HERS??? But WE'RE the ones who worked for it! MY husband sacrificed eighty-ninety hours a week for years, and at one time between us we had five jobs...and now I have to give my hard-earned money to someone else??? Let THEM go put their own GAS IN!))
Completely understand...it was a stressful night!
Cute post! Workin' in my yard, keepin' busy, baking some bread...smile! :o) Lots of prayers.
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Betsy, I completely agree -- it was historic, that is for sure!!
I am bumming. I try hard to remember that at least I have control of my own little world -- my family, our son, my home. But that's what worries me about this presidency -- with free reign (congress included) I'm a bit afraid of what might happen to interfere with MY family, MY home. That's what still has me a bit down. Overall, I am fine, dealing, and am still proud to be an American!! Always.
Feeling pretty down and out, I have to admit. I watched as much of the results last night as I could stand, then I turned off the tv and went to sleep. I didn't sleep well, though, because I worried all night about the final outcome of the election. It's out of our hands now and all we can do is pray for our country and for our soon-to-be President. Please, God, let him lead our country well....
The same! Just heartsick!
Thanks for the comment. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Thank God we live in a country that allows that. Still happy though. sorry! =)
Great post.... :-)
I too am in black today...for no particular reason...other than it's slimming?! lol
But in all seriousness...my heart was greived last night...yet...after the hubs and I talked...and prayed...I cannot help but have a sense of "hope"..."comfort"..."peace"..as I know NONE of this caught my heavenly Father by surprise.
He's still on his throne....and for me (and I hope for others) this is spurring me on....to get on my knees...and PRAY..PRAY..PRAY...
Thankfully..we (believer's) know how the story ends...and today, I'm finding comfort in that!
Being a long-life Christian, I am looking forward to this "change." I think God calls for us to take care of our fellow man, and looking back on the past few years, I honestly don't feel like we as a country have been doing that. Do I agree with all of O's platform? Of course not. But I think and hope and pray our country will turn around, stop being so selfish and get back on track. This was the first time I'd voted for a Dem for president. I've voted for Dems and Indep. on the local and state level in the past. But as a Christian, I couldn't in good faith vote Repub again. I just don't feel like the Repubs have been very Christian-like in most circumstances. I just feel they've been talking out of both sides of their mouth.
I also don't think that it's my duty to tell people how they should live their life. That's why I don't believe in governing morality (especially when it's something that doesn't affect other people directly). I believe that how a person lives is up to them, and in the end, they will have to answer to God, just like everyone else. Just my opinion of course. :)
As always, prayer for our leaders is a must. That goes without saying, regardless of who is in office. I think prayer for our fellow man is always a must too. I think what our country (and world) needs most right now is to learn to be kind again. That's what bothers me so much...people have just seemed to have forgotten how to be kind to one another. I think if we all could do that, the world would be a much better place. :)
Very cute Sandy. Not feeling so great, but I am happy to have it done. I kinda knew how it was going to turn out. I asked the magic 8 ball last week and this is what it said. :)
take care,
Girl, if we lived closer, I'd come over with Starbucks (XL) for both of us... and wear a black sweatshirt right along with you. Hey, could we then really have a "pitty party" together??? :)
I am trying to not even think about it because it has happened and I don't really know what else I can do but pray! Love what Ruby Red Slippers said! I just pray he knows what he is doing and is more than just a good speaker. I guess we'll find out.
My heart is heavy today and I do have a black shirt on (didn't even cross my mind until you pointed it out) I had just grabbed it from my closet...funny.
All we can hope and pray for is that he will be a good President....time will tell......
I also feel drained. Maybe like a hang over would feel? I AM glad for all African Americans though. I am glad that they feel like this has broken down barriers for them. I am sad for McCain...he's my man. I think he's an American Hero and I'm sad to see he won't get a chance in the White House. As an American, I will support Obama as my president and pray for him and all the other leaders. I would love for Obama to prove us all wrong, to be a great leader of change. We'll see where the next 4 years takes us.
I am tryin not to dwell on the subject and think positive but I can't help tossing in those little one liners when I get a chance. I know that isn't right but I can't help myself. I am wearing old blue jeans today because I feel old and blue.
I woke up this morning feeling like it was all a bad dream...unfortunately it was real. Thanks for the cute post to lighten my mood a bit!
Girl, don't think that I am not angered either. I am both sad and angry. i am angry that others are saying this was not about race. that FINALLY the man was voted on and not the color of his skin. well, i wish that were true. I wish people had voted SOLELY on the issues.
btw Obama is only 1/8 african. the rest is caucasion is european american. why can't we just call him an american?
I'm not in favor of the outcome, but I know that God is in control. I believe that He will bring us to our knees as a nation in order to draw us closer to Him.
I was irritated to hear people say they voted for O' because he ran a clean campaign. What???
I was saddened yesterday after hearing quite a few people, black and white, say that they were voting for O' because they wanted to be part of history voting in the first black President. I felt sorry for them that they would dumb themselves down like that...to vote on a candidate based solely on the color of their skin.
Remembering Michelle O' raising her fist at a rally and saying/shouting "it's time to bring back a black America" made me very sad. We've all read about someone who raised their fist... their hand... shouting their message to/at a crowd...when we read about Anne Frank. There is only one America and we should all be united. The message she has given more than once... is one of division! Guess she forgot the old adage "united we stand, divided we fall." I'm not picking on O's wife, who he has said is off limits (the only ones off limits are those two precious girls of theirs), but he has made very clear that she is one of the top 3 people he will consult when making decisions. Scary!!!
O' has been spiritually mentored by Reverend Wright who one of the most radical/racist preachers I have ever seen. I simply find it hard to believe that O' could worship with this man for 20 years without being heavily influenced by him. Ironic how O' disagreed with him only when it became an issue for his campaign.
This is what so many people have voted into one of the most visible, most influential, leadership roles of our Nation...and oddly they feel empowered somehow by that???
We just have to pray for our country!
I am trying hard to pray and give it to God but there is a part of me that says that we as Christians should start standing up for what we believe in! I am ready to do God's work! Right now I'm praying for our country and telling my family and friends to pray with me! I hope that you will pray with me today.
Cute post!!!
Where is the post with the Obama and McCain pics? Did you delete it? I wanted to share it with some people. I hope someone didn't scare you into taking it off because it is your blog and you can say whatever you want! But, I also understand if you decided to delete it.
Yeah, I have a black sweatsuit that makes a regular appearance these days! I do feel a little bummed out about the results of the election (McCain was so gracious in his concession speech, didn't you think?) but life goes on!
If I had a nice black shirt, I'd be wearing it right now! I am swinging between feeling afraid to accepting God's peace. (I keep having to "re-accept" it, because it's more in my nature to worry!)
I love your post though; humor is a very good thing right about now! :)
Just curious, what happened to your 1st post on the election?
Hope your day gets a little better! :)
Wow, so I'm not the only one! This morning I put on my black tank top, black turtleneck, black cords, black shoes. I'm doing this as a statement of mourning, but not in despair. I grieving because our nation knows not what it has done. Perhaps, though, this is just what is needed to bring it back to its knees. Michelle at http://thisonesforthegirls.wordpress.com/ provided a great link to Al Mohler's message which, I think says it best. I completely agree with him.
I'm with you, today is a sad day in my book. However, I do agree with those that said God is in control. Not sure why this is the leader He has chosen, it is not who I voted for! Guess we will see where this leads us...I read a comment on another blog that said she and her husband were going to have a going away party for their tax bracket...good idea!
It was good to talk to you on the phone today :)
hehehe...I think thats pretty funny actually. I wore black today too...but I always wear black..it's that slimming thing hehe. Hopefully all will be well and we can admit we were wrong in 4 years...that would be fine by me. I ain't gonna hold my breath though. Hey tell your hubby thanks for thinking I'm funny...that made me smile...my hubby just rolls his eyes when he reads my posts lol.
How did I miss this post this morning???
Yes, as you could imagine...we are in head to toe black....
It is upsetting, but we have to move on....and hope and pray for the best!!
PS....after staying up way too late last night, the sweatshirt is looking like a good choice....besides, I could use a little comfort today!!
So sorry to hear about your friend's husband's job! :( I will say a prayer for them! As everyone says, I'm sure something better will come out of it. :)
My husband probably would have done the same (well, not a dress) if he had gone to work today. But the flu got to him first!
I'm keeping "Sandy Toes" on her sandy toes! LOL
I'm just trying to get out of my funk and catch up with some things that I put on hold while I took my short break for my pitty party. LOL
Glad to see you around tonight! :) I'm about to go park myself on the couch with the dogs and watch some HGTV!
I am "emo" today with my striped shirt and greasy hair... ;) Or am I just pregnant and lazy? Maybe both! I have a lot of opinions but I am not going to get into comment wars... All I will say is that not all change is good.
Ahhh, yes. I am disappointed too...but trying to remember that God has things in control, and that all we can do now is pray for our new leader.
I'm still sick at my stomach too. Express yourself any way you wish, girl!
Don't know how I missed this the other day...I guess I am still not over "it". It bothers me that many people wouln't have voted if Obama wasn't in the race. Let's see if they come out in future elections.
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