Today, I am thankful to be at home with my kids.....now I preface this by saying that no one knows the future or the decisions, changes that may come but for now...I am home.

-that anytime of the day I can breath in the smells of my little's girl Johnson and Johnson shampooed hair and squeeze her again!

-I am that room mom,volunteer, fundraiser, make-copies mom, cupcake maker, Oriental-trader orderer, t-shirt maker mom! I love it!!!!

-Every day is casual day!
-I can play hide n seek anytime!
For me right now, being home is such a blessing...a gift! I am not a super-mom...my kids have eaten cold pizza for breakfast with a pop tart (sorry mom!), not brushed their teeth before bed, thrown in a fabric softner b/c the uniform was not washed, forgot permission slips...you name it I have done it!

I have friends with great careers...I love to hear their stories...their struggles....I admire them...sometimes I am jealous of them...we all have the same dreams for our kids!
Being at home...does not make you a better mom but right now this is where I want to be!
Great post! And it's great that you're happy where you are! What a blessing!
This was a truly beautiful post : ). I love that you can smell your babies hair whenever you want, I LOVE that you get to have casual day every day, and most of all, I LOVE that you are employee of the month every single month. I think you should say that when you apply for your next job : ). When they ask for qualifications say "Well, I happent to have earned Employee of the Month Recognition rewards 12 out of the last 12 months." That will leave them speechless : )!
I think it is wonderful that you are able to stay home. I am sure your kids are thankful as well.
i love being home too. even when i need a door to separate me from my loud children :)
I love love love this post and couldn't agree more! I feel so blessed to be home with my little ones during these difficult times!
Due to a divorce two years ago I went back to school to get my teaching credential, I just quit my part time job 5 months ago to finish up school - I have always wanted to be a teacher (I'll be the 26th in my family), but if it werent for the sheer financial NEED for me to have a "career" I would totally be home with my kids! ENJOY :)
Awesome. I feel the same way. Lets pray our lives "at home" will be allowed to continued without interruption.
Beautiful post. I too am so blessed to be home & this is a great reminder of that! Have a wonderful day with your kiddos today.
What a beautiful post....gave me goosebumps. I, too, am blessed to be home. :)
So happy you can be where you want to be, with all your degrees you have an option if you ever need it. My grandaughter is going to college to become a teacher.
Let me first say that you've won an award!! Go to my blog and check it out! :)
I, too, am a stay-at-home mom and my girls are 16 and 12. I have been home since my oldest was born. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! I left a career as a speech pathologist (with a Master's degree) and I've never looked back. Oh, I've had those times when I thought about all the what ifs, but home was where I belonged from Day 1. I'm just one of those moms who wants to be an active part in my kids' lives. I'm glad you can enjoy being home, too!
What a great post! I, too, am thankful to be able to stay at home with my children! I taught elem. school for 5 years, and have been home for 13. It's not always been financially easy, but we've tried to be careful with our money and not live beyond our means, and God has been faithful to provide for every "need" - just as He promised. Don't know what the days ahead hold, but we do know Who holds them.
PS: we eat cold pizza for breakfast, too!
Me too! I feel so happy everyday to be with the kids-Great post!!!You said how I feel, and what I am thankful for everyday...
I love this. I feel the same way, except for all the teaching degrees. :)
Lots of things to be thankful for...great for you to remember those things....great for me too!!
I am feeling better today and as always, thankful. As depressing as I sounded yesterday, I really am a thankful person. God is good and I am so very thankful to be one of His children. Have a great Thursday and thank you for allowing me to visit. See, I am so full of thanks that I typed the word 5 times!
I am so glad that you can be right where you want to be. I only work 3 hours a day outside the home (in the morning while Lexi is at school) so I know what you mean about being casual and able to do things for the class/school etc. It is so nice not to always be on a deadline and rushing to get to work because I can go in at any time of the day or night for those 3 hours.
Love to know that there are other stay at home moms in the same boat as me...I am new at this and it is much harder than I ever thought it would be! THanks for your inspiration and reminding me that I'm not alone in this!
It is a great blessing to be there for your family.
I've been doing it for the last 8 yrs. & would not change a thing (unless I have to:).
Totally agree Sandy. I am so grateful for examples like you to say that your job at home is just as rewarding as any outside. Even more so. Great Thankful list.
I love smelling the shampooed hair too!
I love that my mom was able to stay home with us for a season growing up. We were spoiled to have her undivided attention.
I am enjoying relaxing here at your blog! I loved hearing the sound of the waves as soon as I stopped by. Our family loves the beach, too, so I'll be sure to visit often.
I am thankful to be at home, too, and love the delicious smell of kids fresh from a bath. I love that baby soap smell so much that I plan to use it on my children until they complain!
I so wish I could be where you are. This is what I want more than anything. :)
Amazing post, how wonderful that you are blessed to be at home with your children--sounds like a wonderful time!
I love this post! I am a stay at home mom as well and I wouldn't trade it for the world. My children are the ages 17, 12, and almost 11. I am finding that it is even more important for me to be home now with them. On those days of feeling unappreciated and taken for granted, I remember all the little things that bring pure joy to me. Things that you are talking about... the smell of shampoo (I love that!), hearing my children laugh in the other room, and just knowing that they know Mom is there.
Thanks for sharing and have a really fun day today!
Your post warms my heart! I am so thankful to have been home for my family too! "Things" have come a lot slower, but we are all ok with that, because we have always had what matter most! Love cold pizza for breakfast!!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
You totally crack me up--and I don't think you're crazy! I think that is a GREAT RULE! Adult hands only :)
Such great things to be thankful for :)
I always enjoy reading your posts!
The song helps too...really relaxing and soothing :)
Hope you're having a great day!
I love this! I am home with Nina and I also have an education degree and left a career that I loved. But I love this even more and would not trade it for the world (and as I type we are watching Sesame Street and I am drinking coffee, so that's not bad either!).
I love baby shampoo. I use it on my dogs. LOL Well, why not? It smells good and doesn't burn their eyes. :)
It's always good to be thankful for what we have, all of the time! I think we tend to forget that sometimes.
that is a great thing to be thankful for!
Love this post!!! You sound like a great mom!
Thanks for stopping by the blog today! I tried to send you an email, but the address keeps bouncing back. I love the title of your blog, and I can't wait to read more!
Beautiful post! No job is more imporant than being a Mom...you are lucky to be where you are....HOME!
There are days I wish I could leave my job, but for now this is the way it is....I am at least thankful that I get to work from home a majority of the time.....that way I feel I don't miss out on the little things.
I'm at home too. I work part-time while my son is in school. I know the feeling of not knowing how long it will last, but enjoying each day is such a blessing!
What a sweet post! I am so glad you can be where you want to be! I understand this, because home is where I have been for over eleven years now, and I am so thankful I could do this! I think it's great how you said you are employee of the month EVERY month! :)
Have a spectacular day! :)
great post, I feel the same. love being home, the most challenging job ever but the rewards are sweet...days are long but years are short!
what a beautiful post that was! I just love being a stay at home as well.... one of lifes greatest blessings!
You go on and be your happy self!
"Nana's Box"
This was beautiful and I'm glad that you are glad to be home with your little ones. My dad tried to be at home as much as possible even though he was raising three kids and had a ton of bills to pay! I'm sure that he was dog tired but he played with us and helped us and I knew that if I needed to get a hold of anyone that my father would be there in the blink of an eye! I'm sure your children will feel the same way when they are my age! I think this post was just great!
Well said! I've been thinking about my list today. I hope I make time to do it! LOL
Love the comment about smelling in freshly shampooed hair! Isn't it the best?!
Found you through Ashley's blog. Cute place you have here!
I too am grateful to be at home! I appreciate the post, it reminded me to also be thankful!
How wonderful! Everyone should be so comfortable in their own skin.
I am so grateful to be able to stay home with my little one too! It's the best gift I could hope for!
Love the smell of my daughter's Johnson and Johnson hair too!
Awwwwww I LOVE this post!!! I LOVE being a SAHM, too. It feels like its what I was born to do at this time in my life. I feel so blessed. :)
Oh, I needed to read this post. I know we made the right choice for me to stay home, but insecurtites creep in when you least expect them. Being at home doesn't make one a better mom, but it is nice to be available.
I've been in and around the education world for years (parents worked at schools and I worked at one when I got older) and it's waay different on the parental side of things. I'm thoroughly enjoying my volunteer time...and the fact that I don't have to stay for staff meetings!
And you have the best and hardest job in the world. And your kids will be so grateful that their mom was there with them!
What a blessing your kids have! Enjoy every second.
Great post! There are times when I envy you ladies that stay at home with your children. And there are times that I don't! :)
Fantastic post! I feel the exact same way. :)
Staying home with my girls has been the greatest gift my husband has ever given me. I, too, am thankful everyday. Thanks for the reminder!
Hey! Luckily my firned has an engagement ring! This is just an old ring she's gettin' rid of. Not from her man!
Loved this post! I am like you - BA in early childhood ed. and MA in reading ed. and could be out making a pretty nice salary. But, I am home with my son because that's where my husband and I want me to be. I can always get a job, but I can never get back the time I would lose seeing my son grow and learn. We are so blessed to be stay-at-home moms!!!
I'm thankful for you blog! Thanks for sharing :)
You are exactly where you should be as long as you can be. Make sense? They grow up so darn fast. Enjoy every minute. Mimi
I love this post, and I love that you freely admit to cold pizza and pop tarts and throwing a bounce in b/c the uniform wasn't washed! I love it! I've done the same things. My mom did the same things. :)
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