I was tagged by Life of a Southern Belle! It is my first time so here we go...
1. I played fast-pitch softball in highschool( I was All-State my junior and senior year) and college... now if I throw a ball I am taking motrin the next day!
2. I went to France with my husband and was robbed TWICE!
3. Since I was a child, I would gag if someone licked their fingers...I still do but NOW I can at least excuse myself to the bathroom...I have a very weak stomach!
4. I had acrylic nails put on for about six months...I couldn't stand them! So I went to take them off and was in tears. It hurt so bad! The lady behind the table got mad b/c I was moving in "pain" and told me to go to another salon b/c I was a "baby"!
5. I love to shop at any store, anytime, anywhere with anybody!
6. I still have a "baby tooth" in my mouth!
7. I love to Look at houses!! I take different ways to everywhere to look at houses...my poor kids can't even figure out where we live b/c we take a different way home each time!
Well, let's see...I am going to tag....
....Your It!
I am computer retarded! I can't figure out the tagging thing!!! Let it pass me by this time, but maybe give me some tips on what to do...I also couldn't figure out how to get the backgrounds! I deleted my whole blog once!! I only have so many hours in the day and this computer thing is barely for me...I will try to do the tag thing if I can figure it out by the weekend...I am SERIOUSLY COMPUTER RETARDED!!
I hate acrylic nails, too! So.... fake feeling! Luckily mine came off easily.:) My Dad was in France last year and had his wallet (with his passport!) stolen. What is it with the French?? I'll post this soon!:) Lori
Robbed twice....OMG!!!
You are not a baby...those nails hurt when they come off!
What a great list...and I am with you on the shopping...anytime, anywhere, with anyone!
Have a good night!
Your kids are so cute! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment; I love making new friends!
I've heard that there are two types of travelers: those who have been robbed and those who will be. I think that's pretty much the truth, too :(
I loved reading all the fun facts about you! Being robbed once is enough, but TWICE!!! Oh, and I LOVE to look at houses, too! I'm a sucker for the Parade of Homes. :)
How cool that you were a softball player…my oldest lives for it. She is now in her 11th year…this is OUR life.
Really, I have never been a big fan of the French.
I love to lick my fingers…gross.
Baby tooth? The tooth fairy is mad at you.
You know some people AND the authorities call suspects like you: peeping toms. I think it is against the law. :)
Your kids are gorgeous!
Hi, I came to visit you because I have seen your comments on many of the blogs I visit. CUTE,cute blog you have!! I love your painted dot pumpkins and the candy jars for the teachers. I will be doing something for my daughters teacher and that will be cute!
I was tagged a few days ago and shopping is one of my favorite things to do too (just not grocery shopping)! I also love to peer into houses to at night and always love it when curtains/blinds are open!
Oh....... all these comments about being robbed in France is making me feel ill. REALLY? I'm already worried and I don't go for 6 months yet.
I've never had acrylic nails, but they seem so awful to me. How do people do anything with those nails on??
I hate when people lick their fingers, too! ESPECIALLY after eating chips or something. Gag! Oh. I my stomach seriously just started turning when I typed that. I must go now. I have an appt with the toilet.
Oh goodness, that's a great list. And as for your comment re: Nantucket - I BET!!!!! I really want to take my husband there sometime. I didn't take advantage of the New Englad states as much as I should have when I lived in NY. Went to Cape Cod once as a babysitter though, and skiied in Vermont. And went to NH when I was a child every summer. But I would LOVE to stay at an INN on Nantucket. Have some lobster rolls...............ok gotta go I am drooling..
Hey Sandy Toes :),
Thank you for your recent comment to my bloggity blog! I'm not sure how you found it, but I'm so glad you did :).
Interesting list for your "Seven Things". My hubby still has a baby tooth and my kids? A tooth disaster! One is missing 3 permanent teeth, another is missing 10! Yes, 10!!
Acrylic nails nearly ruined mine, too, and I tried to remove them myself. Talk about disaster! YUCK.
Thanks again for your visit :). Hope to see ya soon!
You poor thing with the gagging reflex! That would be so hard to handle because it's not like you can control it! And I have nail tips on my nails too, and it hurts every time. EVERY time. I think she thinks I am a big baby too but won't say it. So I hear you!
I am laughing so hard about taking different directions all the time to look at houses. My son can always figure out when I am doing that and he will say, "Haven't you looked at enough houses. Can we just please go home : )" Whoops!
I can't believe the salon thought you were a baby. CRAZY!
I do the samething about the houses!
Ha! Fun list and getting to know you more. Thanks for thinking of me w/tag. I'm not very good at playing the blog games - sigh.
Thanks for sharing your random facts! I can't believe you still have a baby tooth! How random!
Tagging....how fun! Although I would probably never figure out how to do it.
P.S. Can anyone out there in blogger land tell me how to get the picture behind my blog title to stretch all the way across the page. The picture does not fill up the space. Help!
I love to look at houses too! My hubby just doesn't get it - haha.
Thanks for sharing about yourself.
Loved reading those interesting facts about you! Now we all know you a little bit more.
OMGosh you were robbed in France. Scary! :-)
I love what you did to your kids pictures! Have you seen Pioneer Women's Action Freebies? They are great!
PS Thanks for the fun tag!
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