Remember the taco rings???(I don't even know if they still market that~)
I remember the PC consultant holding up her very own stone 9 by 13 didn't look like the magazines. It was now a dark, dark brown. She would go on that she cooks "EVERYTHING" on this pan from cookies to crescent roll casserole. After she is done, cooking she sprinkles it with a dash of soap and cool water to clean.
Everyone in that kitchen would silently dream of one day owning that pan and having it turn a dark, dark, dark brown that proves anything and everything will cook "perfect" on it. Well, I am being over dramatic and I haven't been to a Pampered Chef party in a VERY long time. However, I am a proud owner of one of those pans that I bought 12 years ago and mine looks just like the consultants now.
....and honestly, it does cook many things just perfect and I do protect this pan. It has it's very own spot in the cupboard because I would be heart broken if it broke. It is dark and it is stained and it's a dreamy to cook with!
It can bake a perfect chocolate chip cookie and they go fast around here. Swimming and food seems to go hand in hand especially with lots of kids over. I can take out a cut watermelon and in 10 minutes bring in just seeds and rinds. It's like I am feeding piranhas off the Amazon!
I think I am going to "google" if Pampered Chef is still in business. I may need another "stone" pan before this one breaks!
They are still in business! I love their stuff and I have several stones that are dark and wonderful too!
love love love my stone. and yes, we still make the taco ring and the turkey cranberry wreath.
Sandy, I used to follow you often a couple of years ago. I got out of blogging after my third child. I decided to get back into it and thought I'd check to see what you're up to. This is such an interesting post. I'll have to look to see if I can get one of these. :) I love my cast iron pan, I'm sure I'd love this! Take care!
They are definitely in business. I have a friend who sells it. I love my stone!
I have a round one we use all the time! I also have a large casserole one I never use. Maybe I should....:)
My PC girl told me that I was NOT ALLOWED to use soap at all on my stone... so when it started smelling rancid, I stopped using it. One day I broke the rules and cleaned it with soap and *gasp* it didn't ruin it, it no longer smelled and my food started tasting good again. I am now waiting for someone to have a party so I can get the small stone for my toaster oven :)
I have a bar pan that I cook bacon on in the oven... it's so easy and clean and no popping bacon grease all over the stove!! I just ordered another one last week so I can cook double the bacon at once for my family. Love it!
I have the same pan & I love it to pieces & I use it for everything. :) It's home is my oven because that really is the only safe place for it!
I also have their stone pie pan & stone bread pan. Neither one of those get much use though!!
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